
Bouncing Ball

This is my first attempt to do the bouncing ball without the tail.

In this one, it is the first time I really dive into graph editor and get a basic understanding about how different tangents work and what kind of mess it will create if you don't key your frame properly. The lighter ball in this one is trying to simulate the real ball bouncing in reality. Somehow, when it strikes the ground, it seems a little bit "sticky."

From this practice, I learn that to create a real mass in the animated word it all depends on "timing." How fast the ball going to change the shape and how fast it falls all create a sense of mass and gravity. When the momentum decrease, how would it affect the relative project (when the ball hit the box, the could just sway a little bit or be knocked off, it all counts on how much momentum the ball brings to.)

This is my second attempt to animate the ball, but this time with tail and more characteristic.

The alive ball it's easier to do, in my opinion. It doesn't have to follow a certain decrease by the law of gravity. We can define its every movement. The only thing is we have to give it enough "energy" to fight against the gravity. Before the ball take a big jump, it has to crouch longer to gather enough energy.

The tail is to show the overlapping actions. When body move, tail follows. It this film I only realize the "overlapping" aspect. Actually, in my opinion, tail has to aspects, one is "overlapping" and the other one is "balancing."   Tail follows the major movement, that is correct, but there is a time when the body stays in the same place or when landing tries to buffer the impact force.

There are so many things to learn in animation, and a pair of fresh eyes are needed. Don't be shy to ask others to comment your works.


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